In the aspect of storytelling and filmmaking, all the bad things are real, all the good things are fake. It still belongs to the one best kind of American contemporary film though, thanks the author and Ron Howard. I do hate how Hollywood has made the relink-the-drama-back-to-real-life a new cliche. It actually got old and sour.
神马也不说了如果你也曾经是魔戒脑残粉那你也会像我一样双眼放光心花怒放鸡血满满地撸完忽然给“不要有世界末日”找了个好理由那就是我们无论如何也要活着看完Hobbit 2,3~~~推荐HFR 3D IMAX金色索玛花全集免费观看虽然一向不热衷3D但这次绝对值回票价~